Customer Service Centre (1800 Ozcare) – Operating Hours
Our Customer Service Centre is open weekdays 8am to 5pm & Saturdays 8am to 12pm. A message service is available outside of these hours.
Our Customer Service Centre is open weekdays 8am to 5pm & Saturdays 8am to 12pm. A message service is available outside of these hours.
The following numbers may be used to contact residents in our aged care facilities. For all other enquiries, please call 1800 Ozcare (1800 692 273).
De Paul Villa, Southport (07) 5582 7250
Keith Turnbull Place, Labrador (07) 5500 7600
Parkwood Gardens, Labrador (07) 5500 2400
Ozanam Villa, Burleigh Heads (07) 5507 0800
Villa Rosalie, Newstead (07) 3648 3244
Ozanam Villa, Clontarf (07) 3480 4444
Bakhita Villa, Oxley (07) 3016 6500
Ozcare Toowoomba – (07) 4591 5900
Caroline Chisholm, Currimundi (07) 5413 8400
Ozcare Noosa Heads (07) 5473 6400
Ozcare Hervey Bay (07) 4194 3300
St Elizabeth Villa, Mackay (07) 4963 5800
Ozcare Sarina (07) 4964 8500
Villa Vincent, Townsville (07) 4724 7100
Magdalene Villa, Trebonne (07) 4797 3800
Ozcare Innisfail (07) 4030 2500
Ozcare Malanda (07) 4096 7000
Ozcare Port Douglas (07) 4087 2805
66 River Terrace,
Kangaroo Point, QLD, 4169
1800 Ozcare (1800 692 273)
Our Customer Service Centre is open from 8am to 5pm weekdays and 8am to 12pm on Saturday. A message service is available outside of these hours.
Lifeline – 13 11 14
Confidential counselling and support
Women’s line 1800 811 811
Men’s line 1800 600 636
All Ozcare clients and their representatives may offer compliments, raise concerns or make a complaint without any recrimination.
Many concerns can be resolved quickly and easily by speaking with local staff. If you do not wish to speak with local staff or they have not been able to deal with your concerns please download and fill out our feedback form and return to us via email or contact:
Ozcare Group Manager Risk & Compliance
Phone 1800 Ozcare (1800 692 273)
Write PO Box 912, Fortitude Valley Q 4006
If you do not wish to take your complaint to Ozcare, you may contact other agencies such as:
Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
Phone 1800 951 822 (free call)
Write Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
GPO Box 9819, In Your Capital City
Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN)
Phone 1800 700 600 (free call)
Office of the Health Ombudsman
Phone 133 OHO (133 646)
NDIS Quality & Safeguards Commission
Phone 1800 035 544 (free call)
Aged and Disability Advocates Australia
Phone (07) 3637 6000 | 1800 818 338 (free call)
National Relay Service & Interpreter
If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment call 1800 555 677. If you need an interpreter call 131 450.
Our Community Support Services (Hostels & Housing Services, Drug & Alcohol Services, Women’s Refuges, GIFS & The Bush Connection Program) transitioned to St Vincent de Paul Society Queensland on 1 July 2019. To access these services please call 1800 846 643 or visit