Thinking of downsizing and retiring? Why not change your view and discover Hervey Bay in [...]
Looking for an easier way to understand Home Care Package (HCP) options for yourself or [...]
As we get older, it’s important that we stay connected. This article explores the benefits [...]
Welcome to Ozcare. We are an experienced home care package provider servicing over 3,500 home [...]
Ozcare is planning to establish a new Retirement Living Community in West Mackay to offer [...]
As part of our Strategic Vision for 2022 – 2026, Ozcare has committed to developing [...]
When women support and inspire one another – incredible things happen. With today being International [...]
Ozcare’s Spiritual Adviser, Sister Melissa Dwyer, recently had the immense privilege of meeting Pope Francis [...]
We are fortunate at Ozcare to have the support of a wonderful team of volunteers [...]
Doug Frazer reignited his love of cars through Lego almost 70 years after his passion [...]
Lisa was initially referred to Ozcare Occupational Therapy to help her access the downstairs area [...]
We all need to do our part to help improve dementia awareness in Australia. While [...]
At Ozcare we do things with heart, and it’s important that we do because for [...]