Help With Kids Bed Wetting
Toilet training can be a stressful time for both parents and children, particularly when it seems it will never end.
Past the age of six, day time wetting typically affects around 8% of children, while night time wetting is far more common, affecting around 20%. The good news is that with the right help and support, wetting can be easily treated – 93% of our clients achieve dryness after participating in the program.
If your child is over the age of six and struggling to stay dry, or younger than six and wetting is causing distress, our dedicated continence unit can help you with:
- Detailed assessment
- Bladder training program
- Hire of equipment such as bed wetting alarms
- Education and support to understand the issues causing wetting
Bed Wetting Program
The program usually takes around 4 to 6 months to complete, with monthly visits to check on progress.
Our continence unit is staffed by experienced continence nurse advisors, who are also available to speak at information sessions for parent groups.
Our bed wetting services are available by self-referral, but we encourage you to speak with your GP before commencing services. The cost is available on application.
We provide kids bed wetting services at our Gold Coast and Brisbane South branches. Call us on 1800 Ozcare (1800 692 273) for more information or to book.
The most common causes of night time wetting are:
- Difficulty rousing from sleep when the bladder is full
- Production of more urine during the night than the bladder can store
- A family history of bed wetting
You can assist your child to overcome night time wetting by:
- Not restricting fluids at night, unless drinking is excessive. This could have the opposite effect of reducing the bladder’s capacity to hold urine
- Restricting drinking at night to water only, as it is thought that soft drinks and caffeine-containing drinks can increase the amount of urine being produced
- Avoiding waking the child to empty their bladder. This may reduce the risk of wetting but can also delay the child achieving dryness independently
- Avoiding making the cleaning up process a punishment. You can try incentive schemes but be careful of setting unrealistic targets and remember that praise is the best reward of all
- Encouraging your child to drink lots of fluids during the day, eat a good healthy diet, and exercise regularly. All of these make for healthy bladder function